Emily Hall wrote the words to this famous hymn. Knowing something of her history will bring a different meaning to these sacred words she wrote.
I am Tom Pettit. I love Church History and I love telling the stories because of the revealed truths, the clarity of God’s love for His children, and the inspiring stories of those early Saints.
Thank you so much! This has always been a favorite song of mine and it was so nice to now have the history behind it. You’re right, it now has new meaning for me.
This was a great way to start my Sabbath. You can be sure I will checking you other videos!
Glad I caught this one. It was interesting.
My great grandmother was Martha Ann Campkin. She was two years old when they traveled with the willie handcart company. Her mother was Martha Campkin the woman that traveled with the Hall sisters. She had buried her husband in St Louis. She traveled alone then met up with the saints preparing to go west.
Brother willie placed the three ladies together. Along the way one of the sisters got really sick and couldn’t keep going. They left her on the side of the road and went with the company to make camp. After the women made camp and bedded the children down the two women went back for the sick sister and brought her back to the camp in the handcart. This went on for several days until the sister felt better and could make it on her own.
I am grateful for these sisters for helping my great grandmother to cross the plains.
I have a quilt block of the quilt the Martha Campkin sewed when she was 16 and it covered her handcart. I will always treasure it.
Pam Heaton
The widow you mentioned was my great grandmother. The story you shared is interesting to me and another point of view.
What a wonderful true story! I too have ancestors who were Saints in the Wiley and the Martin Handcart companies. I have heard many stories of my own ancestors but have never heard this one about the Sisters “Hall” and how the song, Sisters in Zion, came about. Wonderful and amazing daughters of God, sacrificing so much to travel to Zion. Blessed, honored pioneers!