Hear the true stories of Joseph Smith’s personal bodyguard. Not only was Porter a physical defender of the faith, but he also defended his faith through testimony, humility, and obedience.
Virtual Church History Stories: Hear all the Church history stories, and see all the sacred sites, as if you were there!
This is Awesome! Our grandson was named after Porter Rockwell
Thanks for time and the story
Thank you! That was very interesting. I love hearing about Porter Rockwell. I am related to him.
I enjoyed every minute listening to the stories of Porter Rockwell! I was glued to the computer the whole time! You told them and made them so interesting.
I tried to write down what the Prophet Joseph Smith told him about being faithful to his covenants….
Could you send me an email with that quote? I loved it.
Thanks so much!
“As long as you are true and faithful to your covenants, to the Church, and to your God, no bullet or blade will ever harm you.” This is Joseph’s prophecy to Porter which is recorded in the History of the Church.
Thank you for the interesting insights to Brother Porter Rockwell. Your stories give me courage for some things going on in my family right now. These are becoming the times that try mens’ souls, may we be faithful and true to our covenants. Looking forward to the next ones.
Thank you! This was a great fireside! I missed it on the actual night, grateful it was available for later viewing.
Thank you, Tom Pettit, for your research and your accuracy as you tell your church history stories. The truth is sometimes hard to come by on the media.