Our Come Follow Me study this year begins in 1834 at the John and Elsa Johnson Farm in Hiram, Ohio where Doctrine and Covenants Section 1 is received by the prophet Joseph Smith. Who are the Johnson’s and how did Joseph Smith end up in Hiram, OH? Hear these answers and more stories from Church History.
By Tom Pettit
You are truly awesome. You have a wonderful way of giving life to those dear men we adore as our Prophets and Apostles. I too love our history. It is really the most important story of our great land. As Eld. McConkie once said:“The great question which all men in our day must answer — and that at the peril of their own salvation — is: Was Joseph Smith called of God?”
If that is the most important question and I am sure that it is, surely our sacred history is likewise that significant. God bless you for you warmth, enthusiasm and knowledge!
It would be greatly appreciated if you would the references to your quotes and facts somewhere on this home page each week. I’m sure you collected them from all over but I think a lot of us would like to read more.
I loved listening to your first Beyond Come Follow Me episode. Thou shared so many things that helped me gain a greater appreciation for the divine direction that went on to further the restoration of the gospel. I hope you’ll continue.
I am looking for the talk you gave about the sacrament. Could you please give me that location as it was amazing.
Here it is: https://youtu.be/R-wWEu5oq_8
I enjoyed your hopeful message on preparing for the Second Coming. I’ve been wondering what I can specially do. Now I know and am going to be vigilant in going forward. I especially caught hold on the message, Washington is not going to fix these problems. We are in our homes. Thank you!
enjoyed your stories and history and places context and clarity. Thank you
I just purchased your book–‘Adam-ondi-Ahman: Sacred History Promised Future.’
I text you to take issue with a statement you make on page 15, point 3, to wit: “As a result, Adam and Eve lived the rest of their lives at Adam-ondi-Ahman where the Lord started to rectify the Fall by teaching the gospel to Adam and Eve.”
You use the phrase”started to rectify”. There is nothing about the Fall that God or His Son needed to rectify. It was intended from the beginning that Adam and Eve “fall”, that is, leave the garden.
I take it your book is self published. No editor. If there was an editor, that individual(s) also did not understand.
I refer you to a talk by then Sister Julie Beck–General RS President–given to Seminary and Institute employees and S&I senior missionaries.
Her talk was subsequently republished in the Ensign.
See also “The Family–A Proclamation to the World.”
Hi Lin. Thanks for the comments. My intention in that comment was to convey that Adam and Eve were overcoming the effects of the Fall by learning and living the principles of the Gospel. I’ll have to go back and make that point more clear. Thanks for the feedback.
Just discovered your website. Enjoy very much. Appreciate your knowledge. Will watch them all to catch up since I broke my leg and foot and confined to bed. Ugh!