Some men who had been called to go with Joseph to Missouri were now being called back to Kirtland. The Lord admonishes them to be faithful to the commandment to preach the gospel to all those they meet.
Here I tell some interesting stories about their journey back to Kirtland, and some stories of those first healed by the power of the priesthood.
Join our Indexing Group and help us index 1,000,000 names by August 1st:
Hello, I love your videos! I’m not sure why they have suddenly stopped. The last video I have been able to play is lesson 63. You are doing a great job. Thanks for sharing the background stories for the D&C
Sorry for the delay. New videos are back up
We sure miss Tom.
Sorry for the delay. New videos are back up
Brother Pettit! Where are you? We’ve missed you and Beyond Come Follow Me since D&C 62. Hope you and your family are okay.
Sorry for the delay. New videos are back up
I love your videos tremendously. I missed you last week. Are you alright? We’re praying for your welfare.
Thanks so much! Sorry for the delay. New videos are back up
I hope you are OK! Didn’t see any videos for D&C 63-66 and beyond. We missyou
Sorry for the delay. New videos are back up
I’ve been listening to your show for months, and I love your programs. As soon as I watch one, I immediately look forward to the next one, but there hasn’t been a recent one posted since May 30th. Have you stopped doing them? I really hope not. Please let me know.
The videos are back!
Where are you this week? Missing podcast
I am so glad you are back. Thank you for the enlightenment on these sections.
Indexed 210 names in June so far. Thank you for the inspiration
I’ve not been able to find the last few weeks of Beyond Come Follow Me. Is everything alright?
Please accept me as a member of your indexing group. I sent a request to join with my name, Dorothy Durfee.
Indexed 41 entries
Hi Tom,
I completed a batch of 6 names. This my first time indexing. Thank you for the encouragement and opportunity to contribute.
And thank you for your weekly Come Follow Me videos. I like to watch them at the end of the week after I’ve done my own studies throughout the week.
Ellen Christensen
Thanks Ellen!
Dear Tom
I love listening to your videos and seeing the joy you exude while sharing come follow me scripture stories and more.
I could message you a book here but I’ll keep it short and ask if I could receive instructions on how to join the indexing challenge you have inspired as it would be a privilege to participate.
My only experience with indexing was many years ago when I helped my father on his service quest of completing indexing names in the 10’s of thousands. It was a time of comfort to my father after my mother, his wife and eternal partner passed on to the spirit world.
Our family have been members of the church since 1957. My father told the missionaries he wanted to be baptised after the second discussion and my mother agreed. 😁 we live in Perth, Western Australia.
I have a special memory of my visit to the Salt Lake Temple to participate in a live endowment session on the last day in December 2019 before the Temple closed for refurbishment.
Hope the above isn’t too much info. 😊
If possible, I would love to join the challenge, as so many saints already have collectively fast tracking toward a million names. I heard in your video 600,000 names, had been reached, Yay 😁
My warmest wishes
Your Aussie Sister
Tina Johnson
Member # 004 0087 5637
I forgot to index under your group challenge for yesterday and this morning ,sorry. Please add 2,363 to your total. Thanks! Love the challenge!!
That’s great! Thanks
32 indexing