In “The Vision”, the Lord personally taught Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon the Plan of Salvation. This was no ordinary “revelation”, for the Lord stood before them, and showed them the eternities. This week, I share the stories leading up to the experience, how it came to be, and the aftermath. Most importantly, I think Section 76 is a blueprint for how we can receive personal revelation.
Why was it Philo Dibbs did’t see the write the visions. He said they didn’t move? Just wondering. Help, please
Indexed 25 as of 7.9.2021 New at indexing
Indexed 40 names 7.16.21
34 names indexed so far. I have had a stroke, so using a keyboard is hard, but I’m going to keep going to keep going on your challenge. I think it is great project. You are doing a great job on all your channels. Keep up the wonderful work.
Index 37 on 7.22.2021
Hi Tom,
I submitted a request to join the indexing group, then I indexed 19 names (July 30) but I don’t think it fell under your indexing group. I don’t mean to have them counted twice, but in case they didn’t appear in the indexing group, I’m letting you know here.
Our family loves your stories of the restoration and what’s Beyond the Come Follow Me lessons. Thanks!
Don Vickers Indexing total for June and July: 27,013
Marilyn Vickers: 1,243