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Getting to Know Them topics: Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Hyrum Smith, Porter Rockwell, Benjamin F Johnson, George Q Cannon, WW Phelps, Ephraim Hanks, Newell K and Elizabeth Ann Whitney, Parley P Pratt, Emma Smith, Eliza R Snow, Mary Fielding Smith, Lucy Smith, Willard Richards, Orson Hyde, Joseph Smith, Sr., Heber C. Kimball, Moroni, The Mormon Battalion, Pioneer Rescuers, Martin & Willie Handcart Companies, Charles C Rich.
I am starting a new video series called “Getting to Know Them”. In each video, which will be about 90 minutes long, I will focus on a well known individual from Church History. I won’t do a boring biographical sketch of that person, but I will spend that time sharing with you the fun, uplifting, exciting, and inspiring stories that made that individual so great. I am not going to just put up a picture behind me and tell stories, but rather, I am going to take you to the actual locations where these people did great things. It will be a virtual tour of all the great Church History Sites.
We are excited to begin your new series on “Getting to Know Them.” I personally am
looking forward to the discussion on Parley P. Pratt…the story of his return to the church is inspiring!
Thank you in advance for this great work in bringing the experiences of these early saints to the members. What a joy!
Can NOT LarryFloyd Wimber thanks